Digital Photography Final Portfolio
Artist Statement

Hello all! My name is Sarah Rudder. I am a free lance graphic arts designer and business owner of Supherb Ceramics LLC, a ceramic art studio based in my garage. I am a very young, but ambitious artist that strives to expand my work to every avenue of art. Today I will be sharing my photography and editing skills I have learned over the course of the semester. The focus of my work is to create beauty in the eye of the beholder. Each viewer will see the photo differently, but my goal is that everyone takes a different view point to my photography. A few key concepts in my photography are nature and landscape photography, event photography, and product packaging photos. In addition to those concepts, traditional portrait and family photography is an interest of mine. I have to add that my major aesthetic concern with some of my photos are the detail quality. When I was taking my traditional style photos, I had trouble adjusting the focus on the camera. It was a learning curve, but I figured out the camera mechanics. As a result some of the picture quality is poor. Nevertheless my photos stand out against the background as conceptual pieces that make people question nature and society. My strongest abilities as a photographer are truly capturing a moment in time that no one may think otherwise of. I am also very gifted as edited photos after I take them. I believe I have a nature eye for lighting. Overall this semester has taught me many thing including how to focus a camera properly. I also learned photography composition and how lighting is as important if not more important than the photo itself. 

Cover Photo
A Shattered Heart, 2022, Photography on iPhone, Dark  
I took this photo on my iPhone in the car. This is a close up of my broken windshield on my Lexus car. 
Traditional Portrait
Sarah Rudder - Professional Portrait, 2022, Studio Lighting, Traditional Portrait  

Holy, 2022, Studio Lighting, Non-traditionalPortrait 
I enjoyed creating the photos in the studio. The photos above I edited through Lightroom. 
Edited Photos or Projects
Snow in Spring, 2022, Photoshop, Edited Photo/ Photo Collage Project
This is my photo for the photo collage project that sadly did not get done in time. I took these photo originally to depict a snow in spring concept, but decided to put them together to see what I could create. 
Grasslands, 2021, Lightroom, Edited Photo
I enjoyed learning how to edit through Adobe Lightroom. It made the colors to the photography much deeper. 
Water RUSHING, 2021, Lightroom, Edited Photo
I edited this through Adobe Lightroom as well. 
Optional Photos or Projects
Nature's Sparkle, 2022, Photography, Nature
In this photo I got very personal with this cherry blossom tree. I was able to get up close to take photos of the ice on the flowers. 
Beautiful White Bundles, 2022, Photography, Nature
I really enjoy this photo because it reminds me of spring In full bloom. 
ALBUM Honey Pot (3 piece set), made in 2020 photographed in 2022, Clay, Product Photography
 The following photos are of a sculpture I made in my sculpting class. I am very proud of this piece because it not only acts as a sculpture but as a fruit bowl, a flower pot, and a mini bowl for succulents. Needless to say this sculpture has many functions. I decided to photo my sculpture because I am starting a ceramics business selling flower pots, mugs, and more. 
 I enjoyed photographing this piece because I am very proud of this piece because it not only acts as a sculpture but as a fruit bowl, a flower pot, and a mini bowl for succulents. Needless to say this sculpture has many functions. I decided to photography my sculpture because I am starting a ceramics business selling flower pots, mugs, and more. The name of my business is Supherb Ceramics. 
ALBUM Product Photography for Khepri 5D Website, 2022, Food Products, Product Photography​​​​​​​
 These photos were taken for a website that I am currently designing. My client wanted a section of food products with her favorite snacks and beverages for her clients to purchase. 
Story Telling Project
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